A. C. Coates


Helping Children Manage Big Emotions

big emotions in children

Positive Parenting Solutions is a fantastic website dedicated to helping families interact with children in calm, controlled ways. What I love about this website is the focus on community. They continually reassure caregivers that they are not alone with the struggles of parenting.

I love that I have found this poster in many classrooms and on educational pages. Children have many levels of stress and anxiety they experience during the school day. This poster gives children a chance to pause. To take a moment to help settle their nerves by giving 5 steps to manage their emotions. Breathing, using my words to solve the problem, asking for help, giving myself a time out when needed- are always ideas to remember when faced with a problem. The wonderful thing is, as a parent, I find myself doing these steps throughout the day.

One thing to keep in mind is that every family has ideas that are just right for them. In my family, we understand that we never make anyone feel bad for the feelings we feel. What are some steps that your family does to help with big emotions?

5 steps to handling big emotions

Image from www.positiveparentingsolutions.com

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